Password Policy
  • Password complexity: A password should be of Minimum 8 and Maximum 16 characters. A password should be alphanumeric consisting of at least one alphabet and one numeric.
  • Password Age: 3000 days , after 3000 days passwords would be expired automatically and user need to change his/her password.
  • Grace Login after password expiry: 1Day. After 3000 days user is allowed to log into the system to change the password for one more day. After the grace period user account is locked out. To unlock either use Forgot Password Option or contact help desk.
  • Lockout policy : if user enters wrong password 5 times continuous tries, it will block automatically and it would unlock automatically after 24 hours (lock duration =24 hours , lock attempts = 5). Please remember one successful login after less than “5 wrong trys” will automatically reset the “wrong try” counter.
  • No of passwords in history = 3. The new password chosen should not be similar to any of the previous 3 passwords available in the history.
Procedure to Unlock a Locked Account
  • Use Forgot Password link in Portal Login page to reset password. System would unlock the account and sends a new auto generated password to the registered Employer’s email-id existing in the portal.
  • If email-id is not existing in the system then contact help desk at "" to unlock the user account.